I have to be honest, living in the jungle in the Yucatan
Peninsula I have been able to be blissfully ignorant.
We live in a
palapa with no cable or satellite
tv whatsoever. Of course
FB (Facebook) fills you in just by people's status'. So of course I knew
about the BP accident, even knew it was
BP but to be honest I just don't like to watch the news because its so depressing. I thought it was an oil rig that had exploded not a deep fissure in the oil source. For me, I would rather send love and light to the area and not see photos of burning turtles. But the Universe brought it front and foremost in my mind yesterday.
On my way back from
PdC (
Playa de Carmen), I stopped at the studio. My son,
Dreyken came running up to me and told me something really bad had
happned so I was freaking out. He started to describe the oil spill. I wasn't exactly happy someone had
brought it to his attention as he is very sensitive to nature and animals. Then I went to the studio and they are watching the
youtube.com videos..not pretty.
came out with tears in his eyes and I was puzzled why he was so upset..thought is was
unrelated. Then I realized that it was because of the spill and he just kept saying.."Its really bad. Its really bad." Crap, now I am involved.
So my ignorant bliss went out the window. wants to do something and I am not sure what that can be on an
individual level. We don't have $$ we can donate and at this rate can $$ help? I feel all we can do is too send love energy there. I tell my kids to send their soul depth love to
Madre Tierra's boo boo and the animals there.
I guess I am going through all the emotional phases as now I am learning more about it..2 months later but 2 months less of stress. The biggest thing is anger. Honestly, I do not have a lot of respect for humanity. We seem to think we are the "evolved species" BA-
hahahahahaha! Would you see a pod of dolphins letting this happen? Our greed and stupidity is what prevents us from
seeing our divinity and our connection to Nature. I just over and over get more and more disappointed in humanity. Just when I think we might be going in the one direction, we do something so stupid we make history.
From a website that I found,
http://www.711net.com/ it was clearly such stupidity that led to this event it seems intentional. Many
manmade mistakes and ignored precautions led to this horrible disaster. I won't list them our for you but I recommend you go to this site and check them out.
Interestingly enough, this has happened two other times in history, Exxon did this in 1978 off the coast of Mexico and it took 9 months to close it off. And in 2008-9 near Australia which took under 3 months. But this runs much deeper. A phrase that punched me in the stomach from
the site was
"It is possible that this spill, if it continues, could kill the worlds oceans and end life on Earth as we know it."Wow, maybe the Mayans
were right!
With past incidences occurring it give a
little bit of hope we can recoup from this. But we know things are changing in the world. And this can change the Universe. According to the article, the only was to save this is through time travel. to be continued.......